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2022 Annual Awards Banquet

01/05/2023 8:47 PM | Anonymous

Our membership is composed of individuals committed to supporting our local business community. At a minimum, these individuals attend monthly meetings and special events throughout the year. Some join special committees and even fewer lead these committees or our members, serving as Officers on our Board of Directors. Each year, we honor the service of members who, out of the goodness of their heart and their love of our community, do so much more.

Please join us in honoring the achievements of two long-time chamber members and officers:

Virginia Sasser of Sasser & Co. Antiques and

Dustin Bledsoe of Payne County Bank

Thank you both on behalf of the chamber, our local business industry and our community.

They say that when you experience success, it is your responsibility to send the elevator back down for others. Because of the example and mentorship of members like Virginia and Dustin, we have a team of new leadership eager to continue their good work in our community.

With that, I introduce to you, your new 2023 Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors:

President - Terrill Story, Hey Sister Boutique
1st Vice President - Mark Wilson, EQ World USA
2nd Vice President - Kyle Brandon, Rustic Wraps
Secretary - Carissa Weitman, Wandering Brew
Treasurer - Leah Smith, Payne County Bank
Economic Development - Craig Nichols, Stillwater Martial Arts
Tourism - Casey Martin, Farmers Insurance
Historic Preservation - Cassie Wilson, Realtor & Partners in Education
Ex Officio - Chris Petermann, Payne County Bank

We are excited to be joined by many non-chamber members this evening as we honor the nominees and winners of six prestigious community awards. It’s important to note that all nominations come from your neighbors - the chamber members in our community. Someone, somewhere saw the good that you do… and was inspired enough to take the time to nominate you for an award this evening… and you probably had no idea anyone was even watching!

Congratulations to all of our nominees - and thank you for the good that you do, when you think no one is watching.

The Delmar Niles Community Service Award recognizes a chamber member who has shown dedication and commitment through years of community service. The nominees for the 2022 Delmar Niles Community Service Award are:

Cammi Cundiff
Patsy Rains
Virginia Sasser**
Mark Wilson

The Sherri Gordon Community Service Award recognizes a citizen of Perkins who contributes to the betterment of our community. The nominees for the 2022 Sherri Gordon Community Service Award are:

Linda Barta**
Cammi Cundiff
Courtney Harp
Becky Reedy
Virginia Sasser
Terrill Story**

The Best New Business Award recognizes a local business that has significantly impacted and improved our community in a short amount of time (opened within the last calendar year). The nominees for our 2022 Best New Business are:

Oak Park Retreat Center**
Wandering Brew

The Best Existing Business Award recognizes a local business that has contributed to the betterment of our community for many years. The nominees for our 2022 Best New Business award are:

B4 Designs
Daylight Donuts**
Hair Cottage
Payne County Stockyards

The Best Organization Award recognizes a local organization that has significantly impacted and improved our community over the past year. The nominees for our 2022 Best Organization award are:

Oak Park Retreat Center**
Our Daily Bread
Partners in Education
Perkins-Tryon Cheerleaders
Perkins Church of Christ

The Citizen of the Year Award recognizes a community member who has made an outstanding commitment or contribution to the Perkins community. The nominees for our 2022 Citizen of the Year award are:

Cammi Cundiff
Aleisha Rains
Max & Diann Rudd**
Virginia Sasser

If you are interested in being part of the change you want to see in Perkins, our membership is open to all area businesses, as well as individuals. Your manpower, ideas, and resources are welcome here.


The Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce is composed of organizations, individuals and businesses that are engaged in business and community events in the Perkins area.

(405) 747-6809
730 N Main St Perkins, Oklahoma


Sunday - Closed
Monday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday - Closed

Copyright © Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce